Government Programs

Canada’s health care system is built on a national health insurance program, called Medicare, but it is not a single national plan. Rather, health care services fall under the mandate of the 13 provinces and territories. All 13 health care systems many share common elements and values under the Canada Health Act, but are not carbon copies of each other. In other words, a medical service may be provided, and covered, in one province but not in another. This can make it very difficult to navigate through our medical system without prior knowledge of what is available in your province or territory, how to apply for any funding streams, and how to qualify. When you are already dealing with a new diagnosis or a sick child, this can make a difficult and emotional time even more stressful.

At CEDSA, our goal is to collect information on all funding programs and support streams available to Canadians to ease the stress on families and to educate you on how to access these services. If you are aware of any program, in any of the provinces or territories please let us know.

We appreciate your patience as we research and post this information.

Please note that if you do not see your region below, there are currently no programs available.